Monday, May 28, 2007

Sloan bursts an artery

It's hard to believe that the Jazz were within four points with less than five minutes to go. Normally, I never blame games on the refs. The Jazz get plenty of calls at the big E and I know we have seen it go our way many times. Having said this, tonight the Jazz were given the ol' one-two by Steve Javie and the boys. The fact that most of us know Javie's name should tell you all that you need to know.
Even though he was tossed, Sloan showed a lot of composure. We've seen him push refs a couple of times before, tonight it would have been justified. To most, it may have seemed great to see Duncan in early foul trouble during game 3. He is the most dominant player in the past 10 years and having him on the court for less than 30 minutes won Utah game 3. It was obvious that the refs were going to make up for what happened in game 3, by letting the Spurs do whatever they wanted to in game 4.
There are too many instances to list tonight, missed calls, blown calls, bad calls. Ginobili took it over the top when he ran into Fisher and fell backward like he has just been blasted by a stray bullet. The fact that the referees couldn't decipher that as a flop tells you all you need to know. I love the NBA, but the flopping (even the flopping that Harpring and Collins do) needs to stop if they are going to keep this league legitimate.
Bottom line, the Jazz lost. Its been a great year and this game certainly won't define a successful season. People keep saying that this is a young team and their time will come. On the other hand, the Spurs are, "experienced, gritty and do it the right way."
Let's just hope when we are "experienced and gritty" we are the beneficiaries of Javie's bad calls.

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