Sunday, July 5, 2009

The name predicament .....

The picture you see here may not seem significant to you.....but it is actually quite special. This is:
  • The only known picture of my pregnant wife
  • The only known picture of my son in his mother's belly

Britt is not a fan of pregnancy and more than most anything....she refuses to have her picture taken while "with child." It's a bummer for me. I'd always imagined having those fancy black and white glamour shots of my pregnant wife hanging around our house....OK, maybe not, but I'd still like some memories of everything she has been going through.

Anyway, not the point. The point is, we still don't have a name for the boy. That is where family and friends (hopefully) come in. I have gone through 3 baby name books, and so far we have nothing. I'm pushing the name Magnum really hard, but nobody else seems to like it. Right now the top consensus pick is probably Connor, but I'm not sold. It seems like every good name has already been used or is super common. So I'm asking for your help. Name our baby!! I'll even make this interesting for you.....If you suggest the name we use for our boy I will send you a prize worth up to, but not more than $5.00. It could be candy, a small pack of Lego's, a package of disposable razors.....let your imagination run wild. Just put your suggestions on the comment board and we'll see what happens.

Things you should know:

  • His middle name will be Jason
  • We will not accept suggestions that have anything to do with Lord of the Rings (Bilbo Kelly doesn't have a great ring to it)
  • I really like the name Taylor but I'm told that this is now a girls no girl names
  • I will be the ultimate "decider" on the name....but Brittanie has veto really, she's the decider

I'm hoping we can have an official name by August 1st.....we'll see what happens. There is a solid chance the first few weeks of his life may be spent simply as "Boy."


Jacque said...
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Jacque said...

Fedor. Game over! Thanks for playing.

The Jarvis Family said...

My vote is for Magnum (P.I.) Kelly!!

On the other hand, if you wanted to name him after your best friend that lives in S. Florida, you could go with Oliver Kelly. (That's my middle name.)

Whatever happened to Reggie? Wasn't that the name you liked for a boy!? Or was is Malcolm...or Jamal...or something like that? Was that you or am I thinking of someone else?

Kristi and I will give it some more thought....

Josette said...

what? jacque commented? you guys must be tight! if i think of any names that aren't in baby name books i will get back to you.

Gene said...

You know - I love Connor! I don't think it is as common as you think... but going with nationality, I was thinking Patrick. It was my first thought which Erin will attest to is never a good one It was first throw into the hat if you don't keep Connor.

joslyn said...

seriously! jacque read a blog? wow not sure i can get over this.

i like Chadwick. Love Tucker but john wouldn't go with it. the rhyme game doesn't work with Tucker. Those are a couple that were almosts for us.

The Jarvis Family said...

Have you guys considered Blake? I think that isn't extremely common and I think has a nice ring with your last name. Blake Kelly. Kristi really likes that name but we couldn't go with it since it was my HS girlfriends last name.

Michelle said...

you know, my brother still calls their 2-year old "The boy". Funny thing is now they actually have 2 boys. I don't know what the call the other one. Probably by his given name I suppose.

My vote is for Marshall...only because his middle name would be Jason and selfishly it would be easy for me to remember because my little brother's name is Jason Marshall, so why not Marshall Jason Kelly? Whatever happened to the good old fashioned names like Burt or Tom or Drake?

Good luck with that. I'd tell you my favorite boy names, but then if you really did use them, what would I ever name my boy if one ever did come along?

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Magnum, but I will settle for Reggie!!!

The Cox Family said...

You need to stop over-analyzing this and just go with Liam. It's perfect! Liam Jason Kelly. That's it. I don't want to hear anything more about it. It's OVER.

Unknown said...

What happened to Liam? That was my pick. But if you're going for an 80s throwback how about Sonny, Murdock or Kitt???

Anonymous said...

Game is not over! NO LIAM!!!

The Meier family said...

How bout this.... Kelly Jason Kelly. You know, Bond James Bond??? hehe Ok seriously, what about Harrison, Carson, Caden, Braxton, Tate, Cole, Andrew or Brody. Just say the name out loud like he was coming out of the dugout, and if it sounds manly enough for the major leagues, go with it! Jackson is good, too! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hey Paolo's vote is for Santiago Jason Kelly! The name just flows, Right? lol!

Davenport Family said...

Seth's vote is for Jim Kelly. Maybe your son will lead his team to 4 super bowls and actually win them:)

The Jarvis Family said...

Congrats on the upcoming baby boy!!! I just found out as I read your blog!!! very exciting! So the naming is serious...duh your last child and of course the long awaited male of the family! well my vote is for vince...matt has vetoed that for our family so i will pass it along. although magnum is a pretty rad name.
Well here's wishing Brittanie good luck in the rest of the pregnancy, hopefully things can go smoothly for the delivery! Keep us posted on the news!
Congrats again on the Y chromosome!!!
-Kristi (Matt left the last post)

Cris said...

Congrats guys! I'm so excited for you! I hope Britt's doing good and feeling well. I have lots of boy names. Landon, Ethan, Tyson, Tate, Brendan and of course, my two favorites, Spencer and Trent. :)Can't wait to hear what the name will be! Love you guys!

Joanna said...

When do we get a new post?? You know that JJ is as good as it gets...