Thursday, April 26, 2007

In case you are curious........

I feel kind of funny making a blog about our family. I don't want to come off like reading about our family is really that big of a deal. I just want everyone who has never/will never come to Oregon to see what it's like for us to be here.

This is our house. It looks big from the outside, but it's actually quite small. We live on a fairly steep hill so they had to make it tall. I've also included a picture of the famed hill. The big green hill is quite the thorn in our side. It looks pretty now, but in July it will be brown and difficult. The trees are what our backyard backs up to. If there was a big wind storm we would be in serious trouble. The Jazz won tonight, so all is well at our house.

1 comment:

Josette said...

Hey, cool blog! I am excited to read about you and the kelly clan. Watched the Jazz game last night...had to go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch it...cuz we don't have good cable...happy they Jacque won't be depressed...until Saturday.